
not that anyone reads this, but i just wanted to take the time to say:

Holy Crap! Apartment hunting online Sucks. So does job hunting online.

that is all.


Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase: "The ISFDB is an effort to catalog works of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. It links together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies, award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and collection content listings, yearly fiction indexes, and forthcoming books."


Two funerals and several states later.


Goodbye Dad.

originally uploaded by th3ph17.
Just before 12:40am my dad stopped breathing. I had my hand on his chest, my brother had his hands on his other arm. We looked at each other in the dim tv-lit room, and heard his quiet rattle. After a decade long battle with Parkinsons Disease, and 5 months of pain, hospitals, strokes, and a feeding tube, he finally died, i made sure it was with a ping pong paddle in hand.

talk to your parents if you can. Converse with them. I hadn't had a real conversation with my father in 5 years...he was too confused. And before that...we just didn't connect all the time, or maybe we were both too quiet.



originally uploaded by th3ph17.
post your desktop to flickr, tagged desktopshowandtell.